terms and conditions
AppSCREEN®, the original
Translated with www.deepl.com
AppSCREEN® General Terms and Conditions of Business and Delivery
§ 1 Scope of Application
(1) All offers, deliveries, services and contracts concluded by AppSCREEN GmbH shall be subject exclusively to the following terms and conditions, even if no specific reference is made to them in individual cases.
These General Terms and Conditions shall not apply to contracts concluded with consumers (consumer contracts).
§ 2 Offer and conclusion of contract, execution documents
(1) All offers are subject to change. We reserve the right to make technical changes as well as changes in form, color, weight and/or dimensions within the scope of what is reasonable. 2. a contract shall be concluded only by formal confirmation of the order by AppSCREEN GmbH.
comes into effect.
3. all rights to and from execution documents and tools required for the execution of the order shall be
AppSCREEN GmbH shall be exclusively entitled to all rights to and from execution documents and tools required for the execution of the order. The customer shall have
claim to the surrender of execution documents and tools.
§ 3 Time of delivery and performance
(1) Delivery, performance and execution deadlines are non-binding for AppSCREEN GmbH, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Shipping dates are indicative and presuppose receipt of all necessary information, documents and parts to be provided by the customer.
2.In the case of call-off orders, the customer shall determine the time of delivery or performance in such a way that AppSCREEN GmbH has sufficient time and opportunity to make appropriate arrangements. If the customer – for whatever reasons – fails to properly fulfill his obligation to call off deliveries and services, AppSCREEN GmbH shall be entitled to determine the time of performance and the lot sizes itself or to withdraw from the contract and to claim damages instead of performance.
3. a deadline agreed as binding shall be deemed to have been met:
a)in case of delivery without installation and assembly, if the delivery item is delivered within the
delivery time agreed upon is handed over to a person designated for shipment, at the latest, however, upon notification of readiness for shipment, if the delivery is delayed for reasons for which AppSCREEN GmbH is not responsible,
b) in the case of delivery with installation and assembly, as soon as this has taken place.
4) The conclusion of the contract shall be subject to the reservation of correct and timely self-delivery by suppliers of AppSCREEN GmbH. In particular, AppSCREEN GmbH shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract if AppSCREEN GmbH does not receive a congruent delivery from the customer. All unforeseeable events or obstacles beyond the control of AppSCREEN GmbH that delay the delivery or performance in whole or in part, in particular strikes, lockouts, unforeseeable operational disruptions in the operations of AppSCREEN GmbH or in the operations of a pre-supplier, unavoidable shortages of raw materials, destruction of services already rendered by third parties, or events of force majeure (e.g. fire, floods, etc.) shall be excluded. fire, floods, earthquakes) or obstructions caused by circumstances for which the customer is responsible shall entitle AppSCREEN GmbH to extend the delivery or service deadlines by the duration of the obstruction after notifying the customer of the impediment. If the impediment lasts longer than three months, the customer shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract if a grace period of at least three weeks set by the customer in writing expires without results. Further claims of the customer, in particular for damages, are excluded.
5 AppSCREEN GmbH shall be entitled to make partial deliveries and render partial services.
6. default of AppSCREEN GmbH shall occur only after a formal reminder, even if a time has been
agreed for delivery or performance, which can be determined or calculated according to the calendar.
or can be calculated.
§ 4 Transfer of risk
(1) The risk of accidental loss or accidental deterioration of the delivery item shall pass to the customer in the case of contracts for deliveries as soon as the delivery item is handed over to the person performing the transport or leaves the warehouse of AppSCREEN GmbH for the purpose of shipment.
If the customer does not accept the delivery item offered to him in accordance with the contract or if the shipment or delivery is delayed at the request of the customer, the risk of accidental loss or accidental deterioration of the delivery item shall pass to the customer upon notification of readiness for shipment. In such cases, AppSCREEN GmbH shall be entitled, without prejudice to further claims, to demand storage charges from the customer in the amount of 0.5% for each commenced month of delay, but not more than a total of 5% of the contract value, beginning one month after notification of readiness for shipment, unless the customer proves a lower damage.
§ 5 Prices, Terms of Payment, Customer’s Default in Payment
(1) The prices stated in the order confirmation shall be decisive. Unless otherwise agreed, the prices shall be ex AppSCREEN GmbH warehouse, plus packaging, shipping and insurance and the value-added tax legally owed at the time of delivery.
Payments shall be due without deduction upon receipt of the invoice. After expiration of the payment deadline, the customer shall be in default. A reminder is not required. Payment deadlines shall be deemed to have been met if AppSCREEN GmbH can dispose of the payment (credit to the account of AppSCREEN GmbH, cashing of checks).
If the customer is in default of payment, interest in the amount of eight percentage points above the prime rate per annum shall become due for payment to AppSCREEN GmbH, notwithstanding any further claims.
If the customer culpably fails to meet his payment obligation or if AppSCREEN GmbH is entitled to a right to refuse performance according to § 321 paragraph 1 BGB (German Civil Code), all outstanding claims of AppSCREEN GmbH against the customer shall become due for payment immediately, even if checks or bills of exchange with a later due date have been accepted on account of performance.
5. offsetting on the part of the customer shall only be permissible with claims that are legally established, undisputed or ready for decision. This also applies to the assertion of rights of retention.
Cancellation policy:
Cancellation of already ordered rent and/or ordered purchase lead to the following fees:
Cancellation up to 40 days before collection: 25% of the order value
Cancellation up to 30 days before collection: 50% of the order value
Cancellation up to 20 days before collection: 100% of the order value
§ 6 Retention of title
1. until all claims balance claims from current account and possible claims for release from liability risks assumed at the request of the customer, to which AppSCREEN GmbH is entitled against the customer – regardless of the legal grounds – AppSCREEN GmbH shall be granted the following securities, which shall be released at the request of the customer at the discretion of AppSCREEN GmbH, insofar as their value exceeds the claims of AppSCREEN GmbH against the customer by more than 20% on a sustained basis.
All items delivered shall remain the property of AppSCREEN GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “goods subject to retention of title”). Processing and transformation shall be carried out for AppSCREEN GmbH as manufacturer, but without AppSCREEN GmbH being obligated thereby. If the reserved goods are inseparably combined or mixed by processing or otherwise with other movable objects not belonging to AppSCREEN GmbH, AppSCREEN GmbH shall acquire co-ownership of the new object.
The customer shall be entitled to sell or sublet the goods subject to retention of title in the ordinary course of business as long as he meets his payment obligations, is not in default with respect to AppSCREEN GmbH and no application for the opening of insolvency proceedings has been filed. The customer shall not be entitled to dispose of the reserved goods in any other way (transfer by way of security, pledging, etc.). The customer already now assigns to AppSCREEN GmbH by way of security the claims (including all balance claims from current account) arising from the resale or from other legal grounds (insurance benefits, claims in tort, etc.) (insofar as AppSCREEN GmbH is only entitled to co-ownership of the reserved goods: pro rata in the amount of the rental property share). The customer is revocably authorized to 3. collect the claims. AppSCREEN GmbH is entitled to revoke the authorization if the customer does not meet his payment obligations.
does not meet his payment obligations. In this case the customer shall be obligated to inform AppSCREEN GmbH of the assigned claims, to provide all information necessary for collection of the claims and to notify the debtors of the assignment.
4.The customer shall store the reserved goods for AppSCREEN GmbH free of charge. He shall keep the goods subject to retention of title in proper condition and insure them at his own expense to an extent corresponding to commercial diligence. In case of seizure due to court order or other access by third parties, Customer shall immediately notify Markus Kopka UG, object to the interference and point out the (co-)ownership of Markus Kopka UG. Customer shall bear the costs for averting the interference.
5.The customer shall store the goods subject to retention of title for AppSCREEN GmbH free of charge. He shall keep the reserved goods in proper condition and insure them at his own expense to an extent corresponding to commercial diligence. In case of seizure due to a court order or other access by third parties, the customer shall immediately notify AppSCREEN GmbH, object to the interference and point out the (co-)ownership of AppSCREEN GmbH. The customer shall bear the costs for averting the encroachment. 6.
In case of breach of contract by the customer, in particular in case of default of payment, AppSCREEN GmbH shall be entitled to demand immediate surrender of the goods subject to retention of title, without the customer being entitled to a right of retention, to enter the business premises, to take possession of the goods subject to retention of title and, if necessary, to demand assignment of the customer’s claims for surrender. The assertion of these rights, in particular a repossession of the reserved goods, shall not be deemed a withdrawal from the contract.
§ 7 Gewährleistung
1.Die Beschaffenheit des Liefergegenstandes ergibt sich abschließend aus der Produktbeschreibung von der AppSCREEN GmbH. Werbeaussagen und Anpreisungen, die lediglich reklamehaften Inhalt haben, stellen keine Beschaffenheitsangaben dar.
2.Mangelhafte Montageanleitungen stellen nur dann einen Mangel dar, wenn sie der ordnungsgemäßen Montage des Liefergegenstandes entgegenstehen.
3. Falschlieferungen, Mengenabweichungen und offensichtliche Mängel sind zur Erhaltung der Gewährleistungsrechte unverzüglich, spätestens eine Woche nach Übergabe des Liefergegenstands, förmlich anzuzeigen. Nicht offensichtliche Mängel sind unverzüglich nach ihrer Entdeckung, spätestens jedoch sechs Monate nach Übergabe des Liefergegenstands förmlich anzuzeigen.
4.Beanstandete Liefergegenstände sind zur Überprüfung und gegebenenfalls Mängelbeseitigung frachtfrei an den von der AppSCREEN GmbH benannten Bestimmungsort einzusenden. Im Falle berechtigter Mängelrüge werden dem Kunden die entstandenen Transportkosten erstattet.
5. Die AppSCREEN GmbH ist berechtigt, Mängel an Liefergegenständen nach Wahl von der AppSCREEN GmbH durch Beseitigung des Mangels oder Lieferung einer mangelfreien Sache (Nacherfüllung) zu beheben.
6.Schlägt die Nacherfüllung gemäß § 440 Satz 2 BGB fehl, kann der Kunde nach seiner Wahl Herabsetzung der Vergütung (Minderung) verlangen oder vom Vertrag zurücktreten. Bei geringfügigen Mängeln ist der Rücktritt ausgeschlossen.
7. Alle Gewährleistungsansprüche verjähren in einem Jahr ab Ablieferung.
8. Die AppSCREEN GmbH gewährt keine Garantien im Rechtssinne.
9. Soweit Schadenersatzansprüche des Kunden in Betracht kommen, gilt nachstehend §9.
§ 8 Pflichtverletzungen außerhalb der Gewährleistung
1. Der Rücktritt des Kunden wegen nicht oder nicht vertragsgemäß erbrachter Leistung ist
ausgeschlossen, wenn die Pflichtverletzung unerheblich ist und/oder die AppSCREEN
GmbH diese nicht zu vertreten hat.
2. Der Rücktritt vom Vertrag wegen Verletzung einer Nebenpflicht im Sinne von § 241 Absatz
2 BGB ist nur zulässig, wenn die AppSCREEN GmbH Vorsatz oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit zur Last fällt und dem Kunden ein Festhalten am Vertrag und die Leistung durch die AppSCREEN GmbH nicht mehr zuzumuten ist.
3. Soweit Schadenersatzansprüche des Kunden wegen Pflichtverletzungen außerhalb der Gewährleistung in Betracht kommen, gilt nachstehend §9.
4. Ansprüche des Kunden wegen Pflichtverletzungen außerhalb der Gewährleistung verjähren ein Jahr nach Ablieferung des Liefergegenstands, soweit nicht aufgrund Gesetzes kürzere Verjährungsfristen gelten.
§ 9 Haftungsbeschränkungen
1. Schadenersatzansprüche statt der Leistung können nur geltend gemacht werden, wenn der Kunde der AppSCREEN GmbH zuvor förmlich eine Nachfrist zur Nacherfüllung gesetzt hat, verbunden mit der Androhung, nach Ablauf der Frist Schadenersatz statt der Leistung zu verlangen und/oder von Vertrag zurückzutreten, und diese Frist fruchtlos verstreicht. Erfüllungsansprüche des Kunden erlöschen mit Ablauf der gesetzten Nachfrist, spätestens jedoch, wenn und sobald der Kunde Schadenersatz statt der Leistung verlangt.
2.Schadenersatzansprüche statt der Leistung wegen Verletzung einer Nebenpflicht im Sinne von § 241 Absatz 2 BGB können nur unter den Voraussetzungen des Rücktrittsrechts gemäß vorstehend §8 Ziffer 2 geltend gemacht werden.
3. Soweit eine Schadenersatzhaftung von der AppSCREEN GmbH oder an dessen Stelle ein Anspruch auf Ersatz vergeblicher Aufwendungen gegen die AppSCREEN GmbH in Betracht kommt – gleich aus welchem Rechtsgrund – haftet die AppSCREEN GmbH, wie folgt:
a) für Schäden aus der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit, wenn die AppSCREEN GmbH die Pflichtverletzung zu vertreten hat,
b) für vorsätzliches und grob fahrlässiges Verhalten der Organe und leitenden Angestellten von der AppSCREEN GmbH, sowie für schwerwiegendes Organisationsverschulden,
c) bei Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten sowie bei zumindest grob fahrlässigem Verhalten einfacher Erfüllungsgehilfen der Höhe nach begrenzt, wie folgt: Der Schadenersatz darf den entstandenen Verlust und entgangenen Gewinn nicht übersteigen, der bei Vertragsschluss unter Berücksichtigung der Umstände, die die AppSCREEN GmbH kannte oder hätten kennen müssen, als mögliche Folge der Vertragsverletzung voraussehbar war.
d)ein etwaiger Anspruch auf Ersatz vergeblicher Aufwendungen ist in Fällen gemäß vorstehend lit.
e)ausgeschlossen, wenn und soweit die Aufwendungen nicht erwerbswirtschaftlichen Zwecken dienen und/oder bei Aufwendungen für weitere Geschäfte, die der Kunde im Hinblick auf die Vertragsbeziehung zu der AppSCREEN GmbH geschlossen hat.
The personal liability of the organs and employees of AppSCREEN GmbH, who act as vicarious agents, shall be excluded.
The above limitations of liability shall also apply if and to the extent that AppSCREEN GmbH has assumed a procurement risk. 6.
6. further claims against AppSCREEN GmbH are excluded.
§ 10 Formal requirements
In order to comply with the requirement of formal notification provided for in these General Terms and Conditions of Business, it shall be necessary and sufficient if the notification in question is transmitted in writing, by fax or electronically.
§ 11 Final Provisions
1. German law shall apply. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded. 2.
The place of performance shall be Munich.
3. place of jurisdiction for all disputes – including actions on bills of exchange and cheques – is
3. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes – including actions on bills of exchange and cheques – in disputes with merchants, legal persons under public law and special 3. funds under public law shall be Munich. AppSCREEN GmbH shall, however, also be entitled to sue the customer at his general place of jurisdiction.
4.The invalidity of individual provisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Ineffective provisions shall be replaced by provisions that come as close as possible to the intended purpose.
7 and claims including all